Saturday, February 3, 2007

I always go back to fishing!

I recently began my college career, and I'm currently in my second semester of my freshman year in college. I started out last year as an architecture student, but that wasn't working out too well, I had to find something different. Now I know what you're all thinking, it was too hard, there was too much work, this kid doesn't have any kind of work ethic. Well it's not like that at all, well maybe a little, but for the most part it was because i took too much time away from my fishing. I was spend all my time in the studio working out projects, and if I wasn't the studio I was in class or doing work for those classes, I soon decided that was enough of that.

I began looking at some colleges that had something that i wanted to get into and heard about this Fisheries program at a local college, and though "yup, this is for me." I began the admissions process during winter break and I'm currently one week into my spring semester as a fisheries technology student. I can already tell that im going to love it, first of all my classes/teachers are all great, and so far the workload has not been too bad. Not to mention, the best part is that im right next Canindagua Lake :), works for me. Now instead of doing work, then more work, i'm gonna do some work then go fishing!

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